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Introducing the Brand New Book from our friend David Christian Szabo:


Have you ever been caught up with your head in the clouds, daydreaming about something you deeply desire, and then ‘out of the blue’ you witness signs, unexpected synchronicities, and the substance of your daydream forming around your imagination? You were caught up in the ‘WOW’, or the wonder of your dreaming, experiencing it as if it was in the ‘NOW’. You experienced what David Christian Szabo calls ‘WOW NOW Dreaming’. If you would like to deepen your awareness and experience of this reality, this book is for you. Many of the inspired daydreams and 'dreams of the night' that we experience are of Divine origin. They are 'dream seeds' of inspiration or energetic possibilities that captivate our imagination. By practising ‘WOW NOW Dreaming’, using the unique methods contained in this book, your dream seeds can manifest as reality. David Christian Szabo explores the mystery and wonder of learning to co-create with the Divine Presence within. The Divine Presence within is a Kind Eternal Family, the Eternal Trinity. This book contains lovingly crafted meditations to connect to the Divine Presence and synchronise with Their loving intentions that come to us as divine daydreams. These daydreams can manifest as the 'Divine Surprise’ when we surrender, let go, and assume that we have the substance of our daydream or desire. This book is a relational journey of deepening in oneness with the Divine Presence within. In this state of oneness, ‘WOW NOW Dreaming’ happens! All it takes is for you to simply believe it can happen, in childlike simplicity and wonder. You are about to go on a beautiful journey of manifestation. Just surrender and embrace the limitless you, your free spirit, dreaming and co-creating…

Order your own Personalised Signed copy here:

Purchase your Paper Back or Kindle version here:

Welcome to our Hub Without Borders,


Welcome to our tribe of mystic Christ lovers. The Tree of Life entangles us together, into the dance of DIVINE UNION.


Our profound experiences deep within our spirit and our continual encounters with Heaven have forged us to become dedicated to the cause of advancing The Truths found in the realms of the inner spirit as a gateway to Heaven and to the wider network of Christ believers.


We are a community of visionaries who delight in divinely orchestrated connections with those who resonate, whose souls are coming alive to exploring and manifesting our authentic New Creation reality and who long for intimacy with the Divine. We discover ourselves to be the ‘secret place’ infused within the mystical dimensions of Christ.

In Christ we are the greater Glory, under the Reign of Grace, assigned to the AGE of LIFE.


Our knowledge of the original text expands to realms of DIVINE enlightenment through the gateways of the Word. For we have seen and experienced too much of the sphere of ‘inner spirit’ and of the realm of Heaven to revert back to our religious minimalist ways. 


We desire that together we create a synergy, a NEW SOUND vibration of LOVE that awakens us to the vast ChristMind, so that the Glory of God is seen and known throughout the entire earth, as the waters cover the sea.


Our deep LOVE culture-governs Hub Without Borders with respect, grace and inclusionTherefore we expand our corporate SPIRIT outwards, to engage everyone from the past, present and future who have been, or are called to fellowship with our hub tribe for a season.


We gather with you in the profound LOVE of our Father.


We welcome you!

Our Friends

Featured Meditation

YouTube Teaser Trailer

We invite you to come step into the Everlasting Land of Wonder in this new guided meditation created for children and all that are child-like at heart. It’s never too soon to secure your children’s identity as an authentic child of GOD. 

This meditative ‘sleep time’ story is the first of several episodes (currently in  production) in THE REMEMBERING SERIES. This series is designed to securely re-establish a child’s divine origins rooted within their ‘heaven born’ identity in God. The EVERLASTING Land of Wonders will usher your child into an exciting sleep time adventure...

Meditate with Dave

Most Tuesday mornings 7:15am (Melbourne Australia time).

Join David Szabo LIVE on Facebook to explore the RIVER WITHIN through mindfulness meditations. Please share this if you know people who need to sit by the river with safety.

Let’s enjoy peace & bliss.  Let’s discover the dew of our youth, longevity and even pathways to immortality as we turn into the river within.


There will be elements of classic mindfulness, however, many of the meditations will be done in the consciousness of Christ who is the ALL in ALL.  The meditations will be peaceful, healing … and expansive.


Dave will be LIVE in pleasant places at a time where you may be free to tune into the RIVER of LIFE, within. He will even share spiritual truths to help people connect more deeply to the divine presence … the river within as we choose to believe simply, like a child.


Who knows where the river flows … let’s go with the flow, together.


If you know someone who could benefit from mindfulness meditation and would like a safe place to sit by the river … please share.

Prayer For All

As my heart turns towards you all with loving intention...

I see us synergising together on our mystical pathway, into our collaborative timeless destiny.

I am grateful for each one of you. We are eternally bonded by Spirit and in LOVE.

We are many but we are One. We are the Echad.

As we continue to write upon each other LIVING letterswe do so with great tenderness and humble privilege.

Some of us have known each other in the EVERLASTING before ‘life on earth’.

My prayer for us all, is that we will experience deeper encounters and fuller immersions into the age of New Creation, under the Reign of Grace.

My own deep desire and my desire for you all, is that we will be greatly expanded in our Christ-mind.

I pray that the consciousness of our UNION within the Trinity will manifest into a permanent state of BLISS as we learn to fully rest in what has been FINISHED.

My heart cries out ‘Father show us Your Glory’ both within and without.

Let us implode with AWE and WONDER at His GOODNESS as we find ourselves enraptured into blissful ‘union consciousness’.

Let us go deep, deep calling unto deep.

Let us move beyond the ‘hearing’ to the depths of ‘knowing’.

Let us savour and chew the morsels of LIFE-giving revelation, until we are transfigured by them.

Let us daily meditate; let us constantly pause ‘selah’.

Let us delight in His breath.

Let us ‘YADA’ the presence of the Trinity and be continually mindful of His nearness in us and with us.

(YADA - Hebrew for KNOW continually perceiving, learning, understanding, and experiencing.)

My prayer for us all is that we will accelerate in the mighty New Creation powers,

as the gateways of our hearts open heaven and earth to us.

Not one of us are forgotten; not one of us have been left behind.

Because we are IN Him and He is in us, where He moves we move.

My prayer is that our deepest desires, dreams and ‘things long hoped for’ will manifest speedily.

I pray that we like ‘little children’, will be restored to the EXPERIENCE of our GOOD, GOOD, happy, playful, dancing, extravagant FATHER.

May the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation ENLIGHTEN us to the HOPE of our CALLING in Christ and reveal us as His inheritance

We ARE the tree of LIFE, entangled in DIVINE union.

May we bear much creative fruit, write books, make recordings, paint the Glory.

I pray creation will hear our SOUND and resonate deeply with our intention to heal.

Be blessed in this Holy ‘together space’, in the time we have assigned.

I bless you, I LOVE YOU, I celebrate you. I thank each one of you.

I celebrate your every expansion and weep with you in your trials.

Let us not forsake our gathering together, for together we are HIS mystical body.

Smashed together and poured out as a NEW wine.

So shall it be…


In Yeshua’s name,

Rebekah Milne

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