Family Time Zoom Gathering - Pneuma SPIRIT 2
Thu, 03 Aug
|Hub Without Borders Zoom
Meeting ID: 599 787 6438. Passcode: thehub

Workshop Commences
03 Aug 2023, 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm AEST
Hub Without Borders Zoom
PHILLIP BEARD has agreed to come again for part TWO of PNEUMA Spirit. Zoom 5997876438, password "thehub".
The Pneuma SPIRIT mystery revealed! This teaching will AWAKEN you to the magnificent and liberating work of CHRIST in YOU. Rebekah's brother Phillip has been a hidden MYSTIC until NOW. Encountered by the SPIRIT of REVELATION every night for 25 years, Phillip has written copious notes, as the SPIRIT of REVELATION has unraveled deep ancient and scriptural truths taught by PAUL thousands of years ago. This is sure to be a bliss bomb EXPERIENCE. We are SO excited that Phillip has agreed to reveal the Pneuma Spirit mystery to US.
Join our Family Time ZOOM Gatherings every fortnight as we gather as family to share our encounters and inspired revelations.
Our ‘Family Time Gatherings’ are designed to facilitate ‘round table style’ SHARING and REVELATORY CONTRIBUTIONS... a beautiful experience as we journey together into the mystical realms of UNION in Christ.
We have not just created a platform from which to dive deep into the secrets of our mystic faith, we also host a safe environment to PRACTISE what we hear, to EXERCISE, gain skills and increase in our maturity and sonship.
We HOST our gatherings with deep CORE LOVING VALUES and MUTUAL RESPECT for one another.